Anne Chenuil (IMBE) CNRS researcher in population genetic of marine organisms
PI of the SEAMoBB project, leader of the WP3 and WP7
Marco Abbiati (UNIBO) full Professor in marine ecology
Participation in WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5 and WP7
Valentín Aliaga García (CEO of TAXON)
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Didier Aurelle (MIO) assistant professor, population genetic of marin organisms
Participation in WP3
Antonio Belmonte Ríos (CEO of TAXON)
Participation in WP2, WP3 and WP4
Carlos Carrasco López (TAXON) expert in taxonomy monitoring, scientific diver
Participation in WP4, WP5, WP6
Virgile Calvert (IMBE) technician at AMU, specialized in experimental design and scientific diver
Participation in WP4
Sandrine Chenesseau (IMBE) assistant engineer specialized in microscopy and scientific diver at CNRS
Participation in WP4
Federica Costantini (UNIBO) junior researcher in population genetic of marine invertebrates
Leader of WP5, participation in WP1, WP2, WP6 and WP7
Cinzia Cozzula (UniBo)
Participation in WP5
Alexis Crampon (STARESO) master thesis
Participation in WP4
Annick Donnay (STARESO) engineer, expert in marine taxonomy and benthic ecology and scientific diver
Participation in WP4
Vincent Dubut (IMBE) research engineer, metabarcoding and population genetics
Participation in WP6
Juan Carlos Fajardo García (TAXON), scientific diver and lab assistant
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Quentin Fontaine (STARESO) assistant engineer, scientific diver and photographer (relative to lab work, after dive)
Participation in WP4
Engracia García López (TAXON), expert in monitoring and environmental data
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Dorian Guillemain (OSU Pytheas) engineer, scientific diver and expert in marine taxonomy
Participation in WP4 and WP6
José Miguel Gutiérrez Ortega (CEO of TAXON)
Leader of WP2, participation on WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7
Michèle Leduc (STARESO) research and study manager at Stareso, scientific diver, scientific coordinator for SEAMOBB project
Leader of the WP4
Térence Legrand (MIO) PhD student (MRT grant) on “Disentangling multi-scale connectivity processes to understand their impacts on population structures and biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea”
Participation in WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP6
Massimiliano Lippi (UniBo), analysis of the sessile fractions for metabarcoding
Participation in WP6
Madiop Lo (MIO) engineer/developer (recruited by SEAMoBB funds, IE-AMU) in scientific computing
Participation in WP1 and WP2
María José López Hernández (TAXON) , GIS and database operator
Participation in WP2, WP4, WP5 and WP6
Christian Marschal (IMBE) assistant engineer at CNRS, manager of scientific diving and underwater techniques
Participation in WP4, WP7 and WP6
Ezaquiel Martínez Mateo (TAXON) expert in benthic ecology monitoring, scientific diver
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Emese Meglecz (IMBE) bioinformatics professor
Leader of WP6 and also participation in WP5
Pedro Miñano Alemán,(TAXON) GIS and data base expert
Participation in WP2 and WP5
Pascal Mirleau (IMBE) assistant professor, scientific diver
Participation in WP3, WP4 and WP5
Francesco Mugnai (UniBo), PhD student
Participation mainly in WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7
Alberto Orengo (UniBo), ASUs metabarcoding
Participation in WP6
Michela Patrissi (STARESO) assistant engineer, scientific diver and assistant of sampling trips (relative to lab work, after dive)
Participation in WP4
Alberto Perán Rex (CEO of TAXON)
Participation in WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6
Raul Pérez Abellán (TAXON) expert in monitoring, scientific diver
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Christel Pinazo (MIO) assistant professor in physical oceanographer, modeler
Participation in WP1 and WP2
Desiderio Andreo Romera (TAXON) expert in taxonomy, benthic ecology, monitoring, scientific diver
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Vincent Rossi (MIO) researcher CNRS in oceanography, modeler
Leader of the WP1
Sandrine Ruitton (MIO) assistant professor in benthic ecology, underwater monitoring, artificial reefs, scientific diver
Co-responsible of WP7, participation in WP4 and WP6
Alessandra Silvestri (UniBo), photographic analysis of the community
Participation in WP5
Isabel Sánchez Álvarez-Castellanos (TAXON), responsible of the TAXON laboratory
Participation in WP4, WP5 and WP6
Marjorie Selva (IMBE) technician at CNRS, manager of sampling trips (relative to lab work, after dive)
Participation in WP4
Tomás Senabre González (TAXON) expert in hydrodynamic modeling, GIS
Participation in WP1 and WP2
Thierry Thibaut (MIO) assistant professor in marine ecology and phycology, scientific diver
Participation in WP1, WP4 and WP6
Laurent Vanbostal (OSU Pytheas), assistant engineer, scientific diver
Participation in WP4
Informatic service OSU Pytheas, assistance for the website in WP7