Peer-reviewed publications in international journals

Mugnai F, Costantini F, Chenuil A, Leduc M, Gutiérrez Ortega JM, Meglécz E. 2023. Be positive : customized reference databases and new, local barcodes balance false taxonomic assignments in metabarcoding studies. PeerJ 11:e14616

Legrand, T., Chenuil, A., Ser-Giacomi, E., Arnaud-Haond, S., Bierne, N., and V. Rossi (2022) Spatial coalescent connectivity through multi-generation dispersal modelling predicts gene flow across marine phyla. Nature Communication, 13, 5861.

F. Mugnai, E. Meglécz, M. Abbiati, G. Bavestrello, F. Bertasi, M. Bo, M. Capa, A. Chenuil, M.A. Colangelo, O. De Clerck, J.M. Gutiérrez, L. Lattanzi, M. Leduc, D. Martin, K.O. Matterson, B. Mikac, L. Plaisance, M. Ponti, A. Riesgo, V. Rossi, E. Turicchia, A. Waeschenbach, O.S. Wangensteen and F. Costantini (2021) Are well-studied marine biodiversity hotspots still blackspots for animal barcoding?, Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 32, 2021, e01909,

Gonzalez A., Dubut V., Corse E., Mekdad R., Decjatre T., Melécz E., 2020. VTAM: A robust pipeline for validating 1 metabarcoding data using internal controls. BioRxiv.

Rossi V. , Lo M., Legrand T., Ser-Giacomi E., De Jode A., Thierry De Ville D’Avray L., Pairaud I., Faure V., Fraysse M., Pinazo C., Chenuil A., 2020. Small-scale connectivity of coralligenous habitats: insights from a modelling approach within a semi-opened Mediterranean bay. Life & Environment, 70 (3-4), 161-174.